Wedding Gallery

Jennifer & Thomas


"It was a fun evening! "



"The food was amazing!"

Jennifer & Thomas decided to have an Italian-style pre-wedding party at Villa Regina Teodolinda.

You Are Invited

Friday  24 August  2024

Villa Regina Teodolinda

Wedding Ceremony

Villa Regina Teodolinda

The ceremony took place in the beautiful gerden of Villa Teodolinda.

Wedding Reception

Villa Regina Teodolinda

The welcome dinner was organized in perfect Italian style: the bare table and chairs added a rustic touch to the Villa’s terrace. Floral arrangements, fresh vegetables, and blue-decorated napkins were the key elements of this event.

Villa Teodolinda set up various tasting stations: a Casaro’s corner, a salad station, and a pasta station. Jennifer & Thomas also had the chance to make a pizza together with the villa’s pizza chef... a truly unique experience!

The party was accompanied by a folk music trio!

Villa Regina Teodolinda

Guest Book

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